Politics- It was the end of WWII. Truman signs the peace treaty with Japan in 1951. In 1952 the immigration and Naturalization act ended any discrimination against becoming a US citizen. The Rosa Parks bus incident took place around 1955. Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat in a bus. That's something brave to do. Brown vs. the Board of Education ended segregated schools.
Technology- In 1952 car seat belts were introduced. I really never knew that, I honestly thought seat belts was created when the first car came out in the United States. In 1953 DNA was discovered be Dr. James Watson. In 1958 explorer one became the first satellite to orbit the earth. Technology was starting to advance in the 1950s.
Entertainment- Television was very popular in the 1950s. Especially when it comes to sports. Sports was very frequently announced in television. In 1957 Dr. Seuss published the Cat In the Hat. A great book for kids and even today.